What's New

New updates and improvements to MIST

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Updates/Bug Fixes

New charts in dashboard under <"Crews"> this show workload on a week by week to help keep schedules and workload in harmony.
Crew employees are not label on the <crew> charts and no longer on the overview page

Phase form bug fixes
When editing a phase the cost code would not default to the correct cost code editing this has been fix

Client page
labor and material actual amounts for all projects and jobs were not populating this has been fix

Performance increases page load times are slightly faster then before

the foreman/lead option is not able to be set when an employee is selected as the lead you will now see this in the employee list and the dashboard view on <crew>. 

Note for now the last employee selected as lead shows if more then one lead is selected there is a fix coming for this soon.

Efficient rating for phases are now calculated if completed date is checked or end date is before the current date. This will impact the overall company rating if actual hours are not kept up on.
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